Thursday, September 10, 2009

2009 NFL Predictions - All of 'Em

The time has come for another season of the NFL! To kick things off before tonight's season opener, I have made predictions for 2009. This isn't some mamby-pamby prediction like the ones "experts" make, where they only pick Super Bowl contenders and/or division winners. When I say "predictions," I mean predictions of every team and their records. Prepare to get a real glimpse of how the 2009 NFL season will shake down (just click the link): 2009 NFL Predictions.

One quick note: The division winners are marked in blue. The wild-card teams are marked in red. Under the "Wild-Card" headings are the winners of the respective games in that round, and likewise for the "Divisional," "Championship," and "Super Bowl" headings.

Also, you'll notice I tempered my emotions and didn't just pick Seattle to go all the way. I was realistic (maybe).

Feedback is not only encouraged, it is demanded.

1 comment:

  1. You did not have to keep the Win Loss totals equal for each conference. It is possible for one conference to win more games than another conference due to intra-conferance games. The Win Loss totals have to be equal at the League level. Love Dad
