Wednesday, September 1, 2010

America: A Christian Nation? Part I

With Independence Day having just passed and with Constitution Day on the near horizon (September 17th), now is a proper time to reflect on something important: our country's heritage. So much talk has been made of the idea that this country is not a Christian nation. The roots of our country have significant ramifications for our present-day attitudes and mindset for the future. Regardless of whether you think it is Christian or not, the question is a crucial one. Now, as for the answer, let's examine that. Ultimately, history and the evidence, as in most every case, will be the deciding judges.

This was brought to my attention just recently and I was amazed. A constitution is a very important, defining document for any entity. It would stand to reason that a constitution says a lot about a government's beliefs and goals. What would it mean if every individual government comprising a larger federation had in each of their constitutions a reference to God? Would that federation be considered a nation under God? What about recognition of God in the preambles of all those constitutions? Well, without further ado, we have before us the preambles of all fifty state constitutions. Without fail all of them acknowledge the authority of one figure: God.

here for all fifty state constitution preambles; the relevant article is on pages 4-5.

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