Aolani, consider this one blog dedicated to / resultant from you, however you would like to look at it.
In a list, because today's reader (and writer) loves lists:
- Consider it a definite positive answer to prayer when God says, "No," to your request for twins -- especially when it is your first pregnancy.
- Babies don't do fasting. Try as I might, and as noble as it is, Aolani just can't grasp the merit of skipping a meal. She can't even handle the concept of slightly postponing a meal. We'll try again when she's six. Months.
- A new parent's best friend is a dish of leftovers. Ahhh, yes, after a hard, stressful day of work, chores, and baby-rearing, there is nothing quite like the relief when you remember that you don't have to cook tonight. Dinner is just one oven-warm-up away.
- Pray in Jesus's name for your babies and trust that in the unseen realm powerful things are happening. You may not see results for a long time. You may not see results ever. But trust that somewhere in a non-visible way, the Spirit is rocking your baby's world. Visualize Him coming and bestowing grace and power and mercy to your baby.
- Your newborn receives a lot of communication through touch. Massage and gently rub your baby in calm, smooth strokes. This relaxes babies, lets them know that they are loved, helps them with digestion, and might even relax the parent.
- Never cook while wearing the baby in a sling. The food doesn't taste good for some reason.
- Most importantly, make sure to never, ever, ever forget the diaper bag when going out in the car for extended periods of time.