Friday, August 14, 2009

Class Struggle

So much is made of class struggle. It seems to be the defining issue of so many generations. It caused the French Revolution, led Karl Marx to communism, much of the developed world to socialist ideas, and now seems to be one of the great factors in our country's concerns over healthcare. Barack Obama and much of Congress sees universal healthcare as a remedy to the ongoing disparity in healthcare that comes in large part from class struggle: the rich and middle class have healthcare and the poorer people do not, or at least not enough.

The poor of this world do have it rough. And there needs to be an answer for them. Communism, socialism, universal healthcare are man's answer to class struggle. Even capitalism is not necessarily the answer. There are great gulfs for the poor to cross.

Thankfully, God does have an answer. The Church is God's answer to class struggle. I am convinced that one of the great reasons God has a Church is because He saw the plight of the poor and downtrodden of the world. The Church is the very Body of Christ come to help the world's suffering. I am also convinced that if the Church were to act (especially give) as it should, class struggle would not be the scourge that it is.

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