Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Postmodernism says nothing can be truly known. There is no way to prove one religion is true over any other. It is all relativistic and pluralistic.

Many Christians are confident that what they believe is truth and can definitely be known beyond a shadow of a doubt. I believe them. I believe it is possible for Christians to know with asbolute certainty that the Bible is the truth. Now, this kind of thing is incomprehensible to the human mind. It can only be accomplished by a God for whom "nothing is impossible" (Luke 1:37). Verily, to know the truth is something that only the Holy Spirit can impart (1 Corinthians 2:6-14).

Despite all this, I would argue that Biblical Christianity is perfectly suited for the postmodern mind! Indeed, if one finds oneself unable to know the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt, then take heart because Christianity is your religion. For everything in the Bible can only be received and understood by faith. And who is in a better position to trust, have faith, than one who doubts? Who is in a better position to step out in faith withouth seeing or knowing, than the postmodernist? Truly, the postmodernist would survive only by a reckless faith. And God likes that kind of faith.

The Persecuted Church

The greatest single thing on planet earth is the Persecuted Church. The body of followers of Jesus Christ, which suffers just because of who they follow.

If one is looking for inspiration, courage, perseverance, look no further. If one is looking for any proof of God, look to the Persecuted Church.

The media has been slow, it seems, to report on this amazing movement. It would appear that the media would jump on the innocent suffering of others on a global scale even if those people were Christians. It would also seem that audiences would find most intriguing incredible stories of miracles.

Despite their reluctance, news agencies should be applauded for reporting on the Persecuted Church when they do. The BBC ran pieces recently on Christians in North Korea (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8167644.stm) and Pakistan (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8179823.stm). Also, Yahoo! News has more than once headlined stories on Iraqi Christians under attack (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090713/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_iraq_27). If you appreciate those stories let the news agencies know it.